Friday, 27 September 2013



Context of my work.
My art and design activity is Fine installation photography,  as well as sculpting. I do it not only because its quite aesthetically pleasing but because I also wish to show respect to the animals in death as well as in life. I intend to show this through my work with the way I photograph the animals in a respectable manner, just like if they were alive, possibly by using the lighting and softness as well as quite delicate poses to aid this.

I have a collection of bones at home which I have applied into my work, as I am doing internal body parts. I believe they'd be good for primary research as they are physically in front of me. I took various photos of them which I tried to make quite dark.
I really like the composition and effect I added onto this photo, it gives it a really unclean and untidy, quite grungy and mysterious effect. I like how I placed the bones at random around the baphomet too, and the angle. I like the contrast between the black of the cloth and the white of the bones..and the colour filter gives it that whole eerie effect.
I also like this picture. The angle is slightly more basic but I love the lighting and again, the eeriness, especially of the older fox skull. 
I also like the way the spine is leaning.
This is my entire bone collection. I also have intentions on drawing a lot of these in my studies, as they make some interesting shapes.

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